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Abbotts Blog

10 Simple (and Awesome) Ways to Prevent Water Damage (part 1 of 2)

Ask any homeowner what his or her biggest fears are when it comes to damage to their beloved home, and you can bet that “water damage” will be at the top of that list. It certainly isn’t difficult to figure out why. Water damage not only wreaks havoc with the appearance of your home, but the financial damage it causes to your bank account can be just as catastrophic.

Because of that, we’re here to provide you with some simple tips that will help you avoid potential water damage. We have so much help to give that we’re going to do this in two parts, and here is the first half of those tips to get you started:

Fix Leaks Right Away

Let’s face it — many of us procrastinate on a number of issues. The best time to start almost anything is tomorrow, right? Well, when it comes to leaks, this is definitely one area where you don’t want to put things off. What starts off as a small leak today can become a much bigger one when you least expect it, exponentially increasing the likelihood of water damage to your home. If you see a leak, take the steps to fix it ASAP.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

We understand that cleaning your home’s gutters and downspouts is far down on the list of things that you enjoy doing. It’s nothing more than an excruciating chore. But the truth is that leaves, small branches, birds’ nests, and other debris can clog up your gutters and downspouts in a short period of time. This can cause water to spill out into your home’s foundation, through the roof, or even to your basement. That’s why cleaning these areas at least twice a year is essential. Heck, we’d suggest that you do it after every big storm, just to be sure.

Shut Off Water on Extended Leaves

The last thing you want to do is to go on a fun, exciting vacation and come back to a flooded home because one of your pipes burst. Talk about ending things on a bad note, right? You can avoid this with two simple actions — know where your water valves are and turn them off before you leave your home for an extended period of time. When the water doesn’t flow, you don’t have to worry about a pipe bursting or leaks causing damage.

Opt for a Drain Snake over Chemicals

When a pipe gets clogged, many homeowners immediately run to their local store and pick up a chemical product meant to unclog it. This actually makes a whole lot of sense, especially when you consider that these products have come a long way in the past several years and often do a fantastic job at cleaning out your pipes in a matter of moments. Unfortunately, these products contain chemicals that eat away at your pipes, which can weaken them and cause water damage over time. Instead, reach for a drain snake and clear up the clog that way, or call a professional plumber to fix the problem.

Disconnect All Hoses

Even though we’re getting away from the cold months of the year, it’s important that you keep in mind the possibility of frozen pipes that can burst and cause major havoc to your home. Any homeowner who has experienced a burst pipe can tell you it’s the last thing you ever want to go through, both in terms of physical damage and financial fallout. Disconnecting all of your hoses will prevent water from getting backed up and practically blowing up in your face.

The list above is a great starting point, but we still have five more tips to provide, which we’ll cover next time. Meanwhile, if you’ve experienced water damage or otherwise need professional services, be sure to reach out to the professionals at Abbotts Fire & Flood. With more than 65 years of industry experience, we can provide you with relief from a variety of disasters.

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