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Abbotts Blog


14 Tips to Avoid Fire Damage In Your Workplace (Part 1)

If you’ve been visiting our blog for any length of time, you’re probably aware that we are huge fans of fire safety. We don’t think that the safety of your home or loved ones should ever be taken for granted, which is why we’ve covered the topic extensively for as long as we can remember.

What people can sometimes forget, however, is that fire safety in the workplace is just as important. In some ways, your workplace is even more prone to fire due to the proliferation of equipment and supplies contained within a building. Because of this, we are going to dedicate two – count ‘em… TWO – blog entries for this single subject. So, without further adieu, here are the first half of our 14 fire safety tips:

Exercise Caution with Heat Sources

The average workplace has a variety of equipment that acts as heat sources. When combustible objects are kept too close to these types of equipment, they become fire hazards. This is especially true when chemicals are kept nearby. To stay safe, make sure any questionable objects or materials are kept at a safe distance.

Replaced Damaged Wires

Electrical failures are a common reason why fires break out in the workplace. Very often, this is due to worn-out power cords and damaged wires. These things should be checked periodically and replaced as necessary. Also, be sure that they are not positioned in such a way where someone could easily trip over them, which can lead to both injuries and damage to the wires.

Limit Power Outlets

While it may be funny to see a power outlet with 10-15 plugs sticking out of them due to various outlet extensions, this is absolutely an unsafe practice. There may be no hard and fast rules for the number of plugs that can be placed into one outlet, but if the weight is pulling the primary plugs downward and slightly out of the socket, then you need to remove some of the extra cords.

Remove Clutter

Offices and warehouses are often full of clutter that will help a fire spread more quickly. It is a good idea to remove such clutter whenever possible. Not only is this a safer way to conduct business, but the appearance of your workplace will be instantly improved.

Don’t Allow Smoking Inside

Cigarettes are a common source of fire in both homes and businesses because they are often not properly extinguished. Rather than remind employees to put out their cigarettes, you should institute a policy against smoking indoors. You can extend this to the outdoor premises of the property if you believe that smoking close to the building will present a fire hazard as well.

Test Smoke Alarms

In the event that a fire breaks out, the building’s smoke alarms will act as your first line of defense. To ensure that they are in good working order, test them periodically and switch out their batteries as needed.

Conduct Fire Drills

Telling people how they should conduct themselves when a fire breaks out will only go so far. What you need to do is show them. Even though the real thing is likely to be more chaotic, fire drills will help instill a sense of security and calm amongst many of the employees.

If your home or business has experienced fire damage, water damage, mold damage, or any similar situation, the professionals at Abbotts Fire & Flood can help. The cleanup experts on our staff are dedicated to getting your life back on track and we will do so with the least amount of inconvenience possible. Give us a shout and we’ll get started right away.

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