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5 Ways to Know That Your Sprinkler System Is Leaking


Water damage is the most common problem that our repair and restoration experts are called in to fix. That’s probably because there are so many different sources of water damage that an accident is bound to happen at one time or another.

Take sprinklers, for instance. The frequency in which your sprinklers are in operation increases as the weather heats up, and since there is so much water coursing through them during that specific time of year, any mechanical issue with the system could very well lead to massive water damage around and inside your home.

The most frequent indicator of a malfunctioning sprinkler system – as you might very well expect – is leaking. Since this is the case, we’re going to help you out by clueing you in to five ways for you to know that your sprinkler system has a leak:


Higher Water Bill

A water bill that is significantly higher than normal is the first thing a lot of homeowners notice when their sprinkler system is leaking. If you haven’t increased your lawn-watering dates and times, and you’ve ruled out other possibilities such as problems with your plumbing, toilet, dishwasher, or washing machine, then it may be time to get your sprinkler system serviced because there’s a good chance that you have a leak.


Saturated Grass

Yes, grass is supposed to be periodically wet when a sprinkler system is in use, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. What we mean is that your grass has become absolutely soaked by water coming from your sprinkler system. This indicates that a steady stream of water is trickling into the grass even when the system is not in operation. This problem is likely to be painfully obvious, especially if you basically see puddles “sprinkled” around your yard.


Wet Concrete

After it rains, it’s common to see wet spots on the concrete. You may even see sizable puddles here and there. But, if it hasn’t rained and those wet spots are appearing anyway, then there’s a good chance that your sprinkler system has experienced a leak. Since water can damage concrete after a while, leading to financial issues, it’s best to get the leaky sprinkler system fixed right away. Keep in mind, however, that you could be overwatering. If that’s the case, a smart sprinkler controller will help keep that under control.



Erosion may occur near the sprinkler heads, which can cause leaks. This one can be tough to spot, because it’s not immediately obvious. What you want to do is check to see if the ground surrounding the heads appears to be caving in or looks like an animal has been digging around it. If you see either of those things, take a closer look at the sprinkler heads for a possible leak.



Typically, mushrooms aren’t found in suburban or landscaped environments. But, when water leaks out of a sprinkler system, the ensuing moisture can cause fungus to grow. These fungi may be found around the system, on the base of trees, or near buried lines. If you find mushrooms in any of these places, then you certainly could have a leak.


While you may be able to stop a small leak on your own, water damage caused by any size leak should be fixed by professionals to ensure that nothing is missed. The repair and restoration experts at Abbotts Fire & Flood know what it takes to get your home back to its original condition (or even better). If you experience damage caused by water, fire, mold, hail, or anything else, reach out to us and we’ll get you back on track.


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