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6 Tips to Help You Prevent Electrical Fires

overloaded electrical circuit

Electrical issues account for many fires every single year. These fires not only put the lives of your friends and family at risk but also cause a financial burden and inconvenience that can take months or even years to overcome. The good news, though, is that preventing electrical fires from occurring in the first place isn’t difficult as long as you’re attentive and diligent. Here are five quick tips that you should begin following immediately:

Hire an Electrician to Inspect Your Wiring

While the wiring in your home is pretty darn tough, it simply cannot last forever. After a while, it will break down and cause a potentially dangerous situation for your household. If your home is more than 10 years old or you have a reason to suspect a problem with your home’s wiring, do not hesitate to have it checked by a professional to determine if replacement is necessary.

Be Careful with Cords

Power cords can present a fire hazard for a variety of reasons. They can be pulled on by children, mishandled by adults, or chewed on by family pets or wild critters (especially mice). They can also heat up and need air flow to cool down. A lack of such airflow can often cause a safety hazard, especially when flammable items are nearby.

Install the Correct Light Bulbs

Many people reading this might be surprised to learn that the voltage requirements listed on light bulbs are there for a reason and are something that should be followed as closely as possible. Not doing so can cause electrical fires to break out — pure and simple. Our advice is to take this one step further and purchase LED lights, which don’t overheat like traditional bulbs and use much less energy than the traditional types.

Don’t Overload Your Outlets

We all have that friend who tries to cram as many devices into one outlet as is humanly possible. This is done by using outlet extensions that double or even quadruple the number of devices that can be plugged into a single outlet. Those are relatively safe, but once you get to the point of plugging an extension into another extension, it might be time to evaluate your life choices. If you must absolutely do this, then please use a surge protector to do it safely.

Watch Out for Known Safety Issues

Though most devices are safe because their electronic components are enclosed, items like space heaters – which generate heat from an open source – can be volatile if flammable items are nearby. Sparks from malfunctioning appliances can create a hazard, as well. Also, keep in mind that flammable items stored too close to appliances run the risk of overheating due to a lack of air flow. And if you’re one of those people who stores items in electric cooktops or ovens, you’re just asking for trouble.

Don’t Perform Electrical Work Yourself

Many people use websites and videos to learn how to complete certain tasks, including do-it-yourself projects for the home. This is great for many things, but you definitely don’t want to add “amateur electrician” to your ongoing resume. Performing electrical work safely takes real training. Ask any electrician, and he or she will tell you they’ve been electrocuted, maybe even multiple times. And they know what they’re doing.

Following these simple tips will help you reduce the likelihood of experiencing an electrical fire in your home. If problems arise, however, or you need further advice, please reach out to the experts at Abbotts Fire & Flood. Our friendly and knowledgeable experts will handle your restoration process and make sure that you are taken care of.

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