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Abbotts Blog

Corporate vs. Family Owned: Which Best Serves Your Family? Pt. 1

Abbotts truck in front of home

A lot of companies list “family owned” as a feature. But why should that matter to you? 

It’s no secret that Coloradans support local businesses. This commitment to community has made the state a vibrant business center that is growing rapidly.

At the same time, the Front Range is a central hub for numerous national and multinational corporations, all aiming to get a slice (or chunk) of the growing market. The big corporations seek to convince Coloradans to abandon their local loyalty for less expensive goods and services resulting from vast distribution networks and economies of scale.

For many, these are compelling arguments. But when you look a little closer, they unravel quickly.

Family Owned Family-Owned or Corporate?

To start with, when corporations offer discounts attributed to their big-scale buying power, the value of their goods or services is questionable. Remember, they have to make a profit. If they lower the price, they have to lower other costs. Quality is often the first compromise.

Local companies offset all or most of any corporate buying power advantage because they know their community, doing business with local suppliers and businesses. So their operations are more efficient and capable of delivering value.

Family owned businesses tend to treat their employees like extended family. As a result, people who work for family owned companies take ownership of the service and value they deliver. They care about their company, their community and their customers.

Both corporate and local businesses spend money with local suppliers and contractors, and some corporations even hire some local employees. But family owned businesses are part of their community’s financial circulatory system, keeping 100 percent of their revenue in the local economy, paying taxes, making responsible contributions to area charities, buying local goods and services and investing right here at home.


CustomersNeighbors Helping Neighbors

Perhaps the most compelling reason to do business with local, family owned businesses is the simplest: They’re your neighbors, and their reputation in their community is at stake. People who own and work for family owned businesses see customers as more than a contract or a job. They see friends they’ll run into at kids’ ballgames and at the grocery store. They know you, and you know them. They want you to do well, to flourish and to grow. So they’ll go to great lengths to deliver the best possible service and value when you do business with them. It’s only natural to treat your friends well.

The bottom line is that you help build your community and get more for your money when you patronize local, family owned businesses.


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