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Abbotts Blog

Crime Scene Cleanup Qualifications

crime scene caution tape

Scenes of trauma present unique challenges and are subject to numerous stringent regulations and standards. The unfortunate fact is that trauma scenes often result in biological contamination and must be treated as such.

In order to safely and thoroughly restore a trauma scene, a company needs to be appropriately licensed and certified not only to clean the scene, but also to safely handle, transport and dispose of medical waste and biological contamination. If you need a crime scene or other scene of trauma cleaned up, Abbotts is licensed, certified and ready to get started right now. Whether you call us or another company, consider this checklist of qualifications for safely and properly doing this tough job.


The company you select should maintain these qualifications and programs:

  • Hazardous communication training and compliance. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1200 et seq.)
  • Employee personal protective equipment training and compliance. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030(d)(3)(i) and 29 CFR 1910.132 et seq.)
  • Employee bloodborne pathogen training and compliance. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030 et seq.)
  • Employee respiratory protection training and compliance. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.134 et seq.)
  • Employee heat-illness awareness training program.
  • Job-specific OSHA training, such as tag out protocols for machinery being cleaned, lift and fall protection, hearing safety and back safety.
  • Ongoing OSHA, medical waste handling/transporting, and process training programs. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030(g)(2) et seq. and EPA-40 CFR 745.80 Subpart E)
  • Environmental and regulatory compliance programs. (DOT, EPA, state & local agencies)
  • Asbestos regulations expertise. (Colorado’s Regulation No. 8, Part B requires testing for asbestos any time more than 32 sq. ft. of drywall or flooring is removed.)
  • A written exposure control program in the event of an accidental exposure incident. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030(c)(1))
  • Proof of workers compensation insurance.
  • Proof of commercial general liability insurance.
  • Proof of contractor’s environmental liability insurance.
  • Proof of insurance coverage to protect against theft or property damage.
  • Proof of auto insurance for all company vehicles.
  • Medical waste transporter license or contract with licensed medical waste transporter.
  • Contract with a licensed medical waste disposal company, where applicable.
  • Meets requirements for packaging, handling, transporting, and reporting of regulated medical waste. (DOT-49 CFR Part 173, Subpart E and 49 CFR Part 173.6 Subpart A and state environmental agency regulations)
  • Biohazard technicians Hepatitis B vaccinations records. (OSHA-29 CFR 1910.1030(f)(2))
  • Employee drug testing program (random and pre-employment)
  • Employee background checks.
  • Validated references or testimonials from customers.

If you’re facing a tough crime or trauma scene cleanup job, call Abbotts anytime, any day for qualified help fast.

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