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Abbotts Blog

Frozen but not ruptured? You may not be so lucky next time. Cover it up! Prepare Your Sprinklers For The Cold Season

As the warmer fall days are quickly coming to a close, it is time for a reminder to shut down and winterize your sprinkler system! It is important to get rid of any remaining water from the pipes, valves, and sprinkler heads to protect your expensive irrigation investment, as well as to avoid any potential water damage to your property.

This is also a good time to evaluate any water pipes in your home or business that could benefit from insulation to prevent freezing and bursting.

Locate and turn off the main shut-off valve to the sprinkler supply line. This is usually located underground and inside of a heated room, or it might be outside. If it is a ball valve, turn the handle so it is perpendicular to the supply line. If it is a gate valve it will look like a small wheel. Turn the wheel clockwise until it is completely closed.

For automatic sprinkler systems, turn off the controller.

Draining the valves and blowing out the the sprinkler system might be necessary and should be done by an expert to avoid water damage.

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