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Abbotts Blog

Seasonal Allergies Are a Reminder of Mold Health Risks

pollen, mold, mold spores Summertime … and the Livin’ Is Sneezy

What, you ask, do respiratory allergic reactions to pollen have to do with mold? Good question.

Here’s the connection.

Hot, Dry = Pollen (and Mold Risk)

Pollen that has dried out to its lightest, most wind-carry-able weight is lifted by warm, late summer winds and carried, well, everywhere. Including the air you breathe. So your seasonal allergies go berserk. The reason your reaction is a red flag for mold risk is the fungus’s biological defense mechanism.

Pollen in the Air Means Spores in the Air

Mold needs moisture and organic food to grow. When it gets hot and dry for extended periods, such as when dust and pollen ride the hot updrafts in late summer, mold protects its continued existence by producing spores that can join dust and pollen in hot, circulating air. This spreads mold. And it means that potentially toxic mold spores could be part of the reason you look like you spent the night crying.

Think Back … Got Mold?

Maybe that mold that started growing on the wall in your basement dried up and stopped spreading, so you stopped worrying about it as other matters pressed in. Guess what? Chances are it actually IS spreading right now, its spores traveling throughout your home (and into your family’s lungs), landing in new places and ready to start another fungal colony as soon as the next Front Range monsoon commences.

Don’t Take Chances; Test for Mold and Remove It

If you know or suspect you have mold, have your home tested and the fungus removed right away. Abbotts mold specialists are trained and experienced in eradicating mold infestations and ensuring that the mold doesn’t return. Call Abbotts today, and breathe easier.


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