Spring Cleaning – Don’t Forget These Fire Safety Risks

Spring is right around the corner and you know what that means – spring cleaning!
Many people think of spring cleaning as a chance to remove dust from hard-to-reach places, throw out old food sitting in their cupboards, and go through boxes stacked in their garage. It is also a great time to evaluate your fire safety risks. Here are some things to consider:
Have You Checked Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors?
It is important that you and your family get the earliest warning in the event of a fire. Replace the batteries in your smoke alarms. And test each one! Make sure that you can count on these devices. Do the same with your carbon monoxide detectors, which will alert you of to harmful build up of exhaust fumes that could be harmful (even fatal!) to you and your family. Also, make sure that these detectors are properly placed. Smoke detectors should be placed in each bedroom, in the hallway outside the bedrooms, and at least one detector on each floor (including any basement or attic). You should have at least one carbon monoxide detector installed placed on each floor as well.
Is Your Kitchen Safe?
Spills and clutter in your kitchen increase the likelihood of a fire breaking out or getting worse. You should clean up food spills right away to keep grease from collecting on your counters and stove, which can easily catch fire. So, if you missed any spots, now is the perfect time to clean them up. Also, clean up any clutter on your countertops or stove tops so that if a fire does start, it won’t have as much to keep it going.
Electrical Cords Inspected?
Electrical cords can become damaged and frayed over time. This is especially true due to pets and pests that chew on the cords. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to check each and every cord in your house. If they show even the slightest damage, replace them immediately. Another safe practice is to limit the number of cords running from a single outlet (reduce use of extension cords and power strips) as this can cause overloading to occur.
Clothes Dryer Cleanup?
Household fires are often caused by excess lint in a clothes dryer. Although cleaning should happen on a regular basis – as in, every time you run a load of clothes – this time of year is a great time to remove any lint that you’ve missed. And, to be safe, move combustible items such as boxes and clothing away from your dryer.
Grill Prepared for Spring?
The first thing you should do with your grill is check all of its components for potential leaks – the propane tank, hose, and all connection points. Once that’s done, clean up any grease or fat build-up (which you should do every time you grill). This will decrease the risk of fire – and your food will taste better.
Escape Plan Ready?
No matter how careful you are, a fire may still break out (which is why you must have detectors, of course). Your family should have an escape plan already figured out. Print out a map of the house and post it in every bedroom, and then run a fire drill once a month. And, please don’t forget to make your pets a part of that plan.
Fire safety should always be a priority. By following the tips listed above, you’ll go a long way to keeping your friends and loved ones safe. And if you’ve experienced any sort of damage to your home, reach out to the repair and restoration experts at Abbotts Cleanup & Restoration. We’ll help you get your life back on track.