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Tips to Avoid Water Damage in your Home

Water damage in your home is never expected but it can happen to anyone! This is a problem that is dreaded by a lot of property owners and renters.  The average cost of water damage is about $20,000 per 6 inches.  Keep in mind the damages to your home are separate to the items in your home. Damages to your flooring, furniture, upholstery,  electronics and appliances are some of the items that might need to be replaced.  You might not live in an area where flooding is found due sudden heavy rain but everyone has pipes in their home. Pipes can break suddenly or slowly which might not be evident for months. Mold can build in days which can be extremely hazardous so understanding how flooding happens is important.  Knowing what to do during this time is crucial. Lets take a look at understanding the causes of water damage, categories of water damage, dangers of water damage, and water damage restoration.  We will also take a look at flood insurance and how to get it.  This article will help you understand what to do if you encounter water damage.  Let’s get an insight on water damage in your home

Causes of Water Damage

Water Damage Cause and Cost Graph

There are numerous factors that contribute to water damage. Malfunctions of some of your personal appliances can be some of the causes of water damage.  Here are just a few ways your home can flood…






Causes of Water Damage

  • Leaking dishwasher
  • Overflowing washing machines
  • Water system blockages
  • Clogged toilets
  • Drainages
  • Leaky roofs
  • Plumbing leaks

All these examples of malfunctioning that can cause water damage in your home.

 Water damage can also be caused by naturally occurring acts of God…

  • Earthquakes
  • Heavy snow
  • Thunderstorms
  • Fire
  • Lightning

These natural disasters are known to cause heavy water damage and sometimes cannot be stopped.  Be sure not to waste any time and commence the water damage cleanup as quickly as possible by calling a water damage restoration company which we will discuss below.  Since water damage clean-up has never, and will never be a pleasant DIY project, you must consider calling a water damage cleanup company. They are qualified and more experienced. They have the correct tools machinery and gear to do the job right.  They will also begin a mold prevention procedure.  According to  Abbotts Fire and Flood Damage Restoration based in San Diego, water damage can happen under different scenarios including appliance failure, pipe failure, and acts of God.  I recommend you check out their website to see the services they offer.  Whoever you choose in your area, make sure they are a trusted fire and flood cleanup and restoration company with experience.

Categories of Water Damage

In case you are faced with the problem of water damage, before you call the experts, you need to know the kind and extent of the water damage so that you can give the right information. This way, the water damage cleanup agents will be adequately prepared and bring the right equipment.  They will give you an accurate estimate for their services.  Most water damage restoration companies work with flood insurance companies.  A professional water damage restoration company can also advise you on what to do while they are on their way.

The most common categories of water damages are:

Category 1 – This is water damage caused by clean water that has no threat to your health. This type of water damage can be caused by broken appliances like washer machines and sink overflows.

Category 2 – In this category, the water leaked is called grey water. The water here is contaminated and can cause waterborne illnesses. The causes of water damage in this category include the overflowing or broken toilets and broken sump pumps.  These are normally sewer related so make sure to stay clear of the water.

Category 3 – Now the water has turned “black”.  The water damage in this category is caused by water known as “black” water. This water may contain bacteria and multiple organisms that cause sickness. It is caused by sewage issues and stagnant water.

In addition to the categories, water damage can also be classified into 4 classes. The classes are determined by the amount of evaporation possible considering the materials affected or flooding of the room.

Class 1 – This is water damage at a low scale. In this class of water damage, only minor extraction will be needed and a few of the affected materials might be easily dried within a short period of time

Class 2 – This is middle scale water damage. Here, the whole room or space is fairly flooded in less than 2 feet of water in your home or office.

Class 3 – Class 3 water damage is high scale water damage. It is mostly caused by flooding from water sources above the room. In this class, the ceiling and walls are affected by the water and the flooding is above 2 feet from the ground. In this case, heavy extraction is seriously and urgently needed by a professional.

Class 4 – This is a unique water damage that involves health hazards and requires specialized water damage equipment and machinery to resolve the situation.

The Dangers of Water Damage in Your Home

Even the smallest amount of moisture promotes the growth of mold which does not need a lot of time to grow. If the appropriate measures are not taken quickly, you will begin experiencing mold infestation which is a health hazard. Prolonged exposure to mold can aggravate allergies.  You can also see symptoms of asthma especially in young children and adults with low immune systems. Affected persons may also experience signs of respiratory diseases coupled with other diseases. Therefore, cleaning up immediately after experiencing water damage is essential.

Water Damage Restoration

When you are at this stage, it is important that you use the correct procedures, materials, equipment and gear if you want to save your home, appliances, and . belongings.  You also want to prevent any sicknesses that may accrue by calling a professional and taking their advice based on the damage.  Water damage restoration professionals who specialize in mitigating the effects will be able to give you the right answers during flooding.  The severity of the damage will dictate the level of success in the restoration process.  In most cases, your home can be quickly dried out and restored.

Water Damage Prevention Tips  

To avoid water damage in your home its best to be vigilant in times of heavy storms, snow, and other natural calamities that may cause serious damage. You should also spend time checking your appliances for leaks or possible points of failure.  For example, if you have a toilet that is slow to flush, call a plumber before flooding occurs. You can also hire a roofer to inspect your roof before the winter season to be sure you will not have any leaks.

  • Check appliances for damages or possible hose breakage.
  • Call a roofer and have your roof inspected for leaks.
  • Call a plumber for preventative damage checks.
  • Call your fire department for fire safety in your home. A fire in your home can cause fire sprinklers to activate thus creating a flood.

Insurance and Water Damage –  Homeowners and Renters

If you do not have flood damage insurance I recommend you get it!  I purchased a brand new home and within 4 years a water pipe began leaking.  I called my insurance company and found out I had a $1000 deductable which turned out to be great news because the cost of the flooring alone was $12,000. That’s when I believed in having flood insurance.  Please keep in mind that not all homeowners insurance policies cover water damage.  According to the government website flood smart water damage restoration cost are not covered by homeowners insurance so call your homeowners insurance company and find out.  The truth is, water damage can happen to anyone.  If you rent your home, water damage can happen and having water damage insurance will help you too.  Its not just for homeowners.  I have found that having flood insurance and renters insurance is a must!

Links To 5 Top Flood Insurance Companies

USAA Flood Damage Insurance –

AMICA Flood Damage Insurance –

The Hartford Flood Damage Insurance –

Met Life Flood Damage Insurance-

Nationwide Insurance Flood Damage Insurance –

Water damage can be caused by home appliances, natural acts of God, and water pipe failure.  Once your home is affected by water, you need to know what category and class the damage has caused to be in a better position to resolve the problem successfully. Water damage will definitely cause mold infestation which eventually becomes a health hazard. Therefore, you should find a way of resolving the problem immediately. The best way is to involve a reputable and reliable water damage and restoration company.  If you do not have flood insurance, make sure to call and get a flood insurance quote.  Remember, not all homeowners insurance policies cover flood insurance.  I recommend calling your insurance company and making sure.  If they do not cover flood damage, check out any of the links for more information.  If you have any questions on flood damage and flood damage restoration please feel free to leave a comment below.

For more information on what to do during a disaster check out the government website for disaster assistance…

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