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Abbotts Blog


Water Damage Tip #8 – Ventilate

Get Started on This Step Right Away

This tip is crucial to minimizing your water damage and helping to recover quickly. Ventilation enables water to evaporate faster, which helps reduce the damage and prevent other issues, like mold infestation. We’ll bring specialized equipment, including high-speed, high-capacity fans. But you can get started on this crucial water damage restoration step right away.

Inspect water damaged rooms for wet plaster and sheetrock. You may have to remove and repair plaster, and almost certainly will have to replace sections of sheetrock. Open windows for ventilation and, if your electrical system is dry and safe, and you have attic fan, turn it on.

You can use portable fans to move air through your property and increase the rate at which water evaporates. Direct airflow across wet areas and out of water damaged rooms and structures.

Remember to ensure that power cords to any fans you use to ventilate your water damaged property are kept dry. 

More info:

Stay High and Dry With These Sump Pump Tips

American Red Cross: Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes

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