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Why Sprinkler Systems Are Important

sprinkler system Fire sprinkler systems are a crucial part of protecting homes and businesses in the Denver area. These fire protection devices can not only save lives, but also prevent damage and the need for pricey renovations. They are a vital part of fire safety and should be properly installed and maintained in every home and business.

The best place to start when looking for Denver fire protection is finding a reputable company that you can trust. Local companies can often offer quick services and maintain the system if any repairs are needed in the future.

Why You Should Have Sprinkler Systems

Fire sprinkler systems can save lives, protect your home and business, and prevent costly expenses. Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits:

Save Lives

According to OSHA, around 200 people die in the workplace every year due to fires and over 5,000 are injured. 2,570 people are estimated to die in home fires every year and approximately 13,210 are injured.

Sprinkler systems activate quickly when a fire is detected. Often times, a sprinkler system can put out a fire in less time than it would take the fire department to arrive onsite. They also reduce the amount of smoke released from the fire, which is the deadliest part. More people die from smoke inhalation rather than the fire itself.

You can lower the risk of fire-related fatalities just by having an automatic fire sprinkler system in your home or business. The risk of dying in a fire is decreased by about 80 percent after a sprinkler system is installed.

Protect Your Home & Business

Generally, only the sprinkler closest to the flame will activate when there’s a fire. This means that if there is a fire, you won’t have to worry about the entire home or business getting soaked or ruined. It’s also easier to repair sprinkler-related damage than fire damage.

If you don’t have a sprinkler system at all, then the entire house or building may have to be demolished or renovated due to fire damage. Sprinklers use a minimal amount of water to put out the fire, so once it’s out you can quickly clean up and get back to business.

Prevent Costly Expenses

Fires cost businesses over $2.3 billion and homeowners approximately $7.2 billion in property damage every year. With a sprinkler system installed, these expenses can decrease immensely because the need for renovations decreases.

Some homeowners and businesses question the need for a sprinkler system. However, most sprinkler systems in the Denver area are affordable. If you have insurance, the cost can pay for itself in seven to ten years. It’s a smart investment that will save you more.