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Dog Bug Out Bag Your Dog Needs a “Bug Out” Bag, Too!

Pets of all shapes and sizes bring love and joy to millions of households across the great state of Colorado and beyond. For most people, they are an essential part of the family that can never be replace. This is a big reason why their safety should always be a part of any evacuation plan.

Given the size and needs of your average canine, we have decided to focus on what should be included in your dog’s so-called “bug out” bag. We invite you to over this list and make sure that you have everything covered, and then feel free to add a few other items to the list, as needed.

Contact Information

With so much chaotic activity going on and dogs feeling especially frightened following an evacuation, you may unfortunately find yourself separated from your pet. If this occurs, then you need to ensure that whoever finds him or her has a way to contact you. So, make sure that your dog has a collar with your most current contact information on it.

Three Days Worth of Food and Water

Dogs need food and water during an emergency just as much as humans do. In most situations after an evacuation, your family is not likely to be away for more than a few days. Therefore, three days of food and water should suffice. Also, if you’re including dry dog food, be sure to switch out the food every six months to make sure it stays fresh. And, if you include canned dog food, it’s always best to get cans with a pull tab.

First Aid Kit for Animals

When it comes to creating a “bug out” bag for humans, the first thing many people think about is a first aid kit. But, when it comes to animals, this may sometimes be forgotten. The concept is the same, however. Cover the basics in terms of bandages, ointments, etc. Consult with your vet for a full list of items, if needed, especially if your particular pet has specific requirements.

Your Dog’s Meds

If your dog is using any types of medication, this is definitely something that you don’t want to forget to include in the “bug out” bag. Even if you’re only away from home for a few days, you don’t want your family pet to be without his or her medicine. Just like food, you should have enough for at least a few days.

Poop Bags

Not only is it important to not break any state laws or local ordinances where you live, it is also common decency to clean up after your pet. That’s why poop bags should always be included when making up your dog’s “bug out” bag. For urinary messes, it’s good idea to have paper towels, too.

Leash and Muzzle

You definitely want to include an extra leash just in case you don’t have time to find your dog’s primary leash when you’re forced to evacuate. You may also want to consider getting a muzzle because dogs can easily get frightened during stressful times and even the friendliest, calmest dogs can lash out because of that fear.

Familiar Toys and Treats

As mentioned above, your dog may very well be frightened by what is going on after an evacuation has occurred. Because of this, you want to help the animal stay calm. One way to accomplish this is to introduce familiar items such as toys and treats that he or she is familiar with.

In any kind of evacuation, every member of your family needs to have a “bug out” bag of their very own, and this includes your four-legged friends. If you would like further assistance with keeping your family safe or have experienced damage resulting from severe storms, give the professionals at Abbott’s Fire & Flood a call right away. We are standing by 24/7 to offer any assistance that you require.

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