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Your Fire Damage Has Been Fixed… But What About Smoke Odors?

house fire with smoke

Living through the experience of a house fire is extremely stressful. Once everyone has been declared safe and the fire department has allowed you to re-enter your home, you may feel like you’re in the clear. Unfortunately, this may not be the case. Even after the flames have gone out, the lingering effects of smoke persist. What can you do about lingering smoke odors? Today, we’re going to talk about the problems associated with smoke odors and what to do about them.

Smoke Odors – More Than An Annoyance

Smoke is one of the most pervasive and stubborn types of odors. Long after the flames have been extinguished and major fire damages have been addressed, the heavy scent of smoke continues to linger in the air. It doesn’t matter if you experienced a small appliance fire, a whole room caught fire, or the smoke from a nearby forest fire infiltrated your home – the odor is still extremely powerful and extremely difficult to get rid of! In fact, sometimes the smallest fires can lead to the most powerful smoke odors. This is because when a fire burns in a very confined and condensed space, it tends to create a more potent smell that will continue to consume the space and hang out in your home for a very long time. What a pain!

Beyond just being annoying, though, the smell of smoke could lead to more serious problems for you and your loved ones. In fact, the odor of smoke is like a flashing neon sign that’s telling you that your home has suffered from smoke damage – and that means trouble! Addressing damage from the fire’s flames itself is not enough to protect your family; you need to take measures to handle the sneaky and hazardous smoke damage.

The Hidden Dangers of Smoke Odors

So, why is smoke such a big deal? When a fire is raging, it will burn anything in its path, including toxic chemicals and substances. When this happens, the dangerous elements of these solids, liquids, and gasses become airborne via smoke particles. When you smell smoke lingering in your home, it means that smoke particles are still hanging out in the air that you and your loved ones are breathing – day in and day out. This can lead to exposure to hazardous substances and could eventually lead to respiratory issues (including asthma, shortness of breath, and bronchitis), stroke, heart attack, cancer, or premature infant death.

Treating Smoke Odors

Getting rid of smoke odors (and all of the hazards tied in with the presence of smoke) is more than a simple DIY project. While scrubbing the walls, replacing carpets, and opening up windows can certainly be helpful, the fact is that smoke particles can get into some very tight nooks and crannies that you may not consider or be able to address. The only way to fully protect yourself and your loved ones against the harmful, lingering effects of smoke damage is to hire a professional fire restoration company. Fire restoration services like Abbotts Fire & Flood know exactly where to look for smoke damage and how to handle these problem areas. They have all of the knowledge, experience, and equipment required to get rid of the smoke odor – for good – while also ensuring that your home’s air quality is restored to optimal conditions.

If your home has recently been impacted by a fire – large or small – it’s very important that you seek out a professional to eradicate the lingering effects of smoke damage – including smoke odors and health hazards. Give the team at Abbotts Fire & Flood a call today for a free estimate so that you can return to a healthy, happy lifestyle as soon as possible.

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