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Abbotts Blog

Your Warm Weather Maintenance Checklist

warm weather checklist The weather outside is warming up and you know what that means – time for maintenance! Each year, it’s important that you do a run-through of certain locations and items throughout your home to make sure everything is ready for the bright days ahead. To give you a jumpstart on the upcoming heat, here are some warm weather maintenance tips that you can begin implementing right now:

Call an HVAC Professional for Annual Maintenance

Your air conditioning system should be checked annually to ensure that it’s running effectively and efficiently. Not only will this lower your home’s cooling costs, but it will also extend the longevity of your cooling system, keeping your home cool when it’s needed most for years to come. If your system needs to be replaced because it’s getting old and not operating properly, keep in mind that the added cost of replacement comes with the benefits of buying a modern system that will be more energy-efficient than the current one.

Seal Air Leaks

Every home has air leaks. It’s simply unavoidable. But, if your household is full of an abundance of leaks, the loss of efficiency will ultimately be felt by your wallet. Leaks around your windows and door frames are pretty common and can typically be fixed with caulking. Medium-sized leaks may call for spray foam while weatherstripping works great on larger problem areas. And don’t forget to seal any cracks or tears in your ductwork, since these issues can negate a lot of the hard work your HVAC system is putting in to keep you cool.

Inspect Your Hoses and Sprinkler System

Leakage from a broken hose or improperly operating sprinkler system can cause severe water damage to your home if left unchecked. Sprinkler systems can be repaired by you or a professional, depending on the severity of the problem. Broken hoses usually call for a replacement, but that’s a small price to pay to protect your home from potential damage.

Clean Out Your Gutters and Downspouts

The spring season brings with it a ton of wind, resulting in dirt and debris that shows up in your gutters and downspouts – not to mention the bird nests that you often find in there. This clutter can cause backups and water damage over time, so clearing them out is your best bet. Cleaning these areas may be an annoying task, but it’s one that you must undertake to prevent water from seeping into your home and its foundation.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

If cooling costs often get out of control when the weather heats up, it may be time for you to consider an upgrade of your thermostat. Modern models feature wi-fi controls that enable you to monitor and control your system through any remote location equipped with wi-fi support by the use of an app on your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. This level of power over your cooling system can help decrease cooling costs.

Install a Zoning System

Most homes these days are set up with one central air conditioning system that must cool off your entire home at once. As you can imagine, this is an extremely inefficient way of doing things, especially when only a room or two are occupied. As the name indicates, a zoning system allows you to split your home into “zones” and then control each of those zones separately, allow you to cool over the areas that need to be cooled.

Protecting your home against water damage and other problems that warm weather can sometimes bring along with it should be one of your top priorities. If you experience damage, however, the experts at Abbotts Fire & Flood can assist you with repair and restoration so that your life isn’t disrupted any longer than absolutely necessary.

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