Keeping Your Home Safe From Lead Contamination After a Structure Fire If you have recently been the victim of a house fire, you know that the cleanup process can be a mess. On top of the water from fire hoses, chemicals from fire extinguishers, debris, ash, and soot,...
Abbotts Blog
The Dangers of Meth Labs in Your Home
The Dangers of Meth Labs in Your Home Although unfortunate, meth labs have been a growing problem throughout Colorado in recent years. In some cases, tenants have rented out homes to manufacture illegal drugs. In others, squatters have discovered unoccupied houses and...
Meth Lab Cleanup Facts
Meth Lab Cleanup Facts What is methamphetamine or meth? These days, unfortunately, any housing authority manager or landlord knows what methamphetamine or meth is. The insidiously addictive nervous system stimulant is cheap, easy to make and, therefore, ubiquitous....
Meth Labs Leave Behind Toxic Ghosts That Can Haunt Your Family or Business
Meth Labs Leave Behind Toxic Ghosts That Can Haunt Your Family or Business “I have a family and rarely even have a glass of wine. What does methamphetamine have to do with me?” you ask. Any home could be haunted with toxic meth lab contamination. The Devil You Don’t...
Denver Housing Authority Certifies Abbotts for Meth Lab Cleanup
Denver Housing Authority Certifies Abbotts for Meth Lab Cleanup The Denver Housing Authority on January 31, 2015 authorized 10 Abbotts Fire and Flood technicians to supervise meth lab decontamination on properties the Authority manages. These days, unfortunately, any...
Meth Lab Cleanup Poses Unique Challenges for Housing Authorities, Landlords
Meth Lab Cleanup Poses Unique Challenges for Housing Authorities, Landlords Housing authorities and landlords can recover meth lab cleanup costs through government programs. A Big, Hazardous, Expensive Headache Unfortunately, we see it in the headlines too often:...