Abbotts Blog

Water Damage

Signs of Water Damage During Spring Cleaning

How do I detect water damage during spring cleaning? Spring cleaning is an annual ritual taken on by most of us to clean out the dust and clutter from being indoors during Denver's winter season. As we prepare our homes for summer, our annual spring cleaning is a...

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Post-Fire Water Damage

Water Damage After a Fire The aftermath of a fire can be devastating. Even if you were lucky enough not to lose your home completely in the fire, the cleanup process is extensive. Cleanup must be thorough in order to avoid lingering toxins from soot and smoke damage,...

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Winter Preparation for Home and Yard

Is your home and yard prepared for the colder weather? As any homeowner will tell you, cabin fever isn’t just a state of mind affecting those who live inside the cabin—it’s hard on the cabin too. Over the winter, snow and cold can wreak havoc on everything from a...

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Water Damage Categories

What are the Categories of Water Damage? If you’re familiar with the disastrous impacts of water damage, you know that any water damage can be catastrophic, given the right combination of time, temperature, environment, and the lack of treatment. But did you know that...

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Storm Damage Recovery

How to Recover from Storm Damage this Summer As storms roll in this summer, you may find yourself confronted with damage to your home. Torrential rain, wind, and hail can all wreak havoc on your roof, siding, and windows, and compromise the integrity of your home. If...

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Apartment Water Damage Responsibility

Apartment Water Damage - Who is Responsible? Living in an apartment can be a major blessing when property maintenance is needed. You don't have to set aside money in case the water heater goes out or the roof needs repairs. But that doesn't mean you can put aside...

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Sewage Backup Guide

What to Do After Your Sewage Backs Up A backed-up sewer is something every homeowner dreads. Beyond the disgusting odor and mess, raw sewage overflow is incredibly hazardous to your health, and proper cleanup is necessary in order to ensure contaminants don’t remain...

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Impact of Residential Water Damage

Effects That Water Damage Can Have on Your Home A flooded basement, a leaky roof, a burst pipe, and a backed up sewage system all have one major thing in common – they cause water damage. Whatever the cause of water damage to your home, it is something that needs to...

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After the Flood

What to Do After Your House Floods Whether your house has flooded as a result of a burst pipe, heavy rains, river overflow, or a home appliance malfunction, time is of the essence when it comes to getting the water out of your home and minimizing the damage. You will...

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